The Antikelvin and The False Prophet
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These are the enemies of Lord Kelvin...
The dark days of physics have fallen among us. The Antikelvin and his False Prophet walk among us now, and persecute our church. The end is near, when Lord Kelvin will transcend Entropy and walk among us again, and defeat the Antikelvin and his False Prophet. We must remain strong, so that when Lord Kelvin throws them into the Great Chilly Absolute Zero, he will save us from Entropy. Until then, only the High Physicist and his elite cadre of High Priests and Priestess' can hold back the storm of Improper Physics! Woe is the Church of Kelvin! Darkness has fallen on the field of physics!

The Antikelvin
Little is known of the Antikelvin, as he mainly works through his False Prophet. But take heed, for that makes him even more dangerous! He uses vile scales of measurments such as celcius. The Antikelvin's name is believed to be Wayne Ladner, and all we have is a photo of a book of lies that he has published. This tome of deciet has led many young physicists down a dark trail, a trail that can only lead to Entropy. Until the End of Entropy and the defeat of the Antikelvin and the False Prophet, only the power of the High Physicist can help hold back the storm.

The False Prophet
Much more is known about The False Prophet, as she continues to persecute the faithful of the Church of Kelvin. The High Physicist has engaged The False Prophet on numerous occaisons, but so far the power of the Antikelvin has kept him at bay. When Lord Kelvin returns and transcends Entropy, he and the High Physicist will defeat The False Prophet.

Be extrememly careful when dealing with The False Prophet. She should be considered highly dangerous, and takes pleasure in the suffering of Lord Kelvin's faithful.